The Advice I Give Couples Who Are Constantly Fighting, According To 7 Therapists

Check out this article we were featured in on Fatherly about managing conflict with your partner.

One of the first things I work with couples to unlearn is the faulty logic that people all think the same way, and hold the same values as they do. This myth makes it easy to believe that if a value isn’t respected, the other person doesn’t care. That’s usually followed by thoughts like, ‘If it were me, I would never…’ Suddenly we interpret things as personal attacks and pair them with assumptions that the other person did something frustrating on purpose. I try to teach couples not to assume that, and that just because a partner makes a mistake or does something to upset them, the intention isn’t necessarily to make them unhappy, says Antoinette Bonafede, LMSW, DBT, REBT

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